Saturday, December 08, 2007


"In the early 1930’s Japanese animation was a lot closer to American animation though it differed by using Japanese story telling techniques.

Director Ikuo Oishi was a pioneer of Japanese animation who started his career with his 1924 interpretation 兎と亀 (usagi to kame “The Hare And The Tortoise”).

In 1933 he directed the classic UGOKIE-KO-RI-NO-TATEHIKI 動絵狐狸達引 (Fox and Asian racoon’s cheat on each other)

In old Japan, foxes and tanuki (Asian raccoons) were considered to have almost mystical powers of disguise, deception, and trickery. In this cartoon, a fox disguised as a samurai uses its magic against a mother-and-child pair of tanuki at a ruined temple. The drawing style shows the influence of Max Fleischer on early Japanese animation." - quote source.

1 comment:

Oumi_Hegovai said...

That is crazy... you see that type of thing in ancient paintings, but you never expect to see it in animation; it's too old to enter our modern reality, supposedly! A real insight into the psychedelic Shinto mind of the ancient world, a real delicacy of animation.